Thursday 25 September 2014

Calm and Alert Learning

Discuss with your child how we can become calm and alert learners and how we can help others in their journey.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Patterns, Patterns, Patterns! And Recount Writing!

We have been busy learning about sorting and making patterns.  We can sort by colour, size, shape, texture and in more than one way!  Check out the sorting we did with leaves earlier this week.  We had fun just gathering them from the field.

Today we were learning about patterns and read "Beep, Beep, Vroom, Vroom".  This is from a great math series written by Stuart J. Murphy.

This is what we created using colourful links.

In Literacy, we have been learning about recounts.  A recount is telling about something that has already happened.  Today a student did an excellent recount of a book she read and used the sequence words (first, then, next, finally) to tell the order of the events in the story.  Please look for the Story Recount sheet to be coming home in the Homework Folder today!!!