Monday 10 November 2014

Comic Strips

We learning to turn our recount writing into comic strips.  Check them out this week when you come for parent/teacher interviews!

Friday 7 November 2014

Simple Machine Inventions

Student worked extremely hard on their simple machine inventions.  They did a wonderful job.  One student incorporated 4 simple machines, how creative!  Way to go everyone!  Check out the pictures below.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Daily 5 and Recount Writing

Over the last week we have been learning how to choose our own Daily 5 Centres based on a few expectations.  We learned that we must complete our Work on Writing centre EVERY DAY and all the other centres at least once throughout the week.  We place stickers or dots on a chart to help us keep track of what we have done so we can make the appropriate choice.

We are finishing up with our recount writing and learning to edit with a partner to make our writing better.  Using the skills we learned on Halloween about comic strips, we will be transforming our recount writing into comics!!  Look for pictures of our comics to be posted on the blog.