Friday 20 February 2015

Matter, Matter Everywhere!

This past week we have been discussing lots of things about matter!  We've even done a few experiments too!  We determined if air takes up space, we also figured out the properties of liquids and solids.  Today we described various mystery liquids and how they were the same and different.  We then conducted a race to see what was fastest: syrup, mustard, or ketchup.  You decide on the winner.

I am also conducting an experiment on making rock candy at home.  Each day I have come in with new pictures of various stages of growth.  My first attempt was not very successful so as a group we decided that I would try again.  These are the first few pictures of my experiment.

The picture on the left is immediately after I poured the liquid into the jar.

The picture on the right is 15 hours after.  Can you see a difference?

Let's hope it grows this time!  If I am successful, we will grow some in class and inspect it with our magnifying glasses.