Wednesday 27 January 2016

Flexible Thinking with 3D Shapes!

We are learning about flexible and rigid thinking.  We made silly putty to show how we can quickly change our thinking into something else if we get stuck.

To be flexible we used our silly putty in a different way.  We had a lot of fun with our silly putty making 3D shapes.  We made rectangular prism, sphere, triangle, square based pyramid, cube, cone,cylinder, triangular prism.  We also made a semi-circle.


CYLINDER OR A RECTANGULAR PRISM (depending on how you look at it!)

Thursday 21 January 2016

Musical Rhythms!

We are learning to create rhythms!!  Check out what we made!  We also learned about adding a musical rest to our music!

Wednesday 20 January 2016


All student levels for our on-line reading program (Raz-Kids) have been updated based to your child's current reading level.  Please let me know if there are any problems.

Monday 11 January 2016

Grade 2 trip tomorrow!!

The Grade 2's will be on their outdoor education centre trip tomorrow (Tuesday, January 12).  Please make sure you dress appropriately and pack extra socks.  Please pack a litterless lunch.

The Grade 1's will stay back with me and we will welcome some Grade 3 students into our class.  We will stay on program as much as possible.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Which lunch would you choose??


We are beginning to talk about healthy eating in Health.  Be sure to start talking about the foods we eat.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Electives are coming!!!!

Please look in the agenda for the green electives form that went home today.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions!