Thursday 24 April 2014

Everything non fiction!

In language we have been looking at how to read non fiction texts. What are the parts of a non fiction text and their features? This fit perfectly with our current unit in Science, animals. Next we will be combing the two subjects and learning how to write a non fiction information report. The grade 1's have diligently researched about flamingos.  Look at what they found out!

Our next step is to use this research and learn about writing an Information Report.  What animal would you like to know more about?

Tuesday 15 April 2014

How much money do we have?

That was the question we worked on today.  Students were challenged by counting the bunch of coins on their desk.  They needed to use their knowledge of coin values and counting by 1's, 5's, 10, and even 25's to find the amount of money they had.  Encourage your child at home to use these strategies when counting money.

In language, we have been talking about Quick Questions and Deep-thinking Questions.  Quick Questions are questions that can be answered very quickly (who are the characters in the story?).  Deep-thinking Questions take more time to answer and sometimes requires more research and reading.  Try having your child ask you both types of questions when reading.  We ask questions about what we read to better understand the text.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Reading Bags & Easter Egg Clues

It has been yet another busy week in our classroom.  I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday!  The Grade 2's had a wonderful time on the field trip.  I'm so glad the weather was beautiful.  The only students that were missing were the Grade 1's.  This afternoon I realized that the Reading Bags were still sitting by the agenda bucket.  Oh dear.  A few students wanted to take them home today so I quickly got them new books (how responsible of them!!!).  For the rest of the class, the bags will be going home next week.  Sorry parents for the delay.

The students were each given a plastic Easter egg today.  Over the weekend, please find a small item to put into the egg and have your child write 3 clues for their object.  All next week students will be presenting their clues to the class for everyone to guess.  Please have a look at the schedule of presentations handed out with the assignment sheet.

Tuesday 8 April 2014


We have recently started learning about money.  Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies: what do they look like, what is their value, which is worth the most and which is worth the least?

Monday 7 April 2014


Blogging is difficult to understand!  What is a gadget?  How do I post a calendar of events?  AHHH, the joys of technology!

Wednesday 2 April 2014


Hi Everyone!  Welcome to my NEW Class Blog.  Here you will find information about what is going on at the school as well as in the classroom.