Wednesday 4 March 2015


I am so excited today!!  We have been talking about being good readers and what we do when we read, specifically with asking questions.  We know that good readers ask questions before, during and after we read.  We also know that many of our questions get answered as we read.

We had a great discussion today while reading Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress that not all questions are important.  For example, why was the cat wearing a space helmet?  That question was very simple to answer once we read the book.  But the question 'why was Morris wearing the dress?' was more important.  We knew that the dress reminded him of certain things (his mom's hair, tigers and the sun), but that was the EVIDENCE from the book.  We had to think a little deeper to get a DEEP THINKING ANSWER!  We figured out that Morris was wearing the dress because it made him happy and because it reminded him of all those things that made him happy.

So remember, DEEP THINKING QUESTIONS = DEEP THINKING ANSWERS.  Use evidence from the book to back up your answer.  The questions are not just about what is happening in the book but what is important, what is the author trying to teach us?