Wednesday 4 November 2015


Math:  we have been working on counting by 1, 2, 5 and 10.  The students have looked at the 100's chart to help them find patterns with their skip counting.  Please practise counting objects around your house to help promote these concepts.  Also have your child write the numbers that they count.  Many students are still reversing numbers or don't know how to write them.  This will be an ongoing expectation throughout the year but your help is always appreciated.

Language:  we have transitioned from list writing to recount/retell writing.  Students are able to identify sequence words (first, then, next, finally) in their reading and are now beginning to write their own recounts about their evenings or weekends.  Please help your child by getting them to retell about their day using the sequence words.  I will post a picture of our co-created success criteria for students follow while writing later than week.

We have also been fortunate to have 4 iPads in our class.  We use these every day for our Listen to Reading centre.  Be sure to check out the Raz-Kids  website and have your child show you what it's all about!

Grade 1 Science: materials and structures.  Our guiding questions are what are things made from?, what makes structures stronger?

Grade 2 Science:  movement and simple machines.  Levers, screws, pulleys, wheels and axles, wedges, etc!  These simple machines make our work easier!!!!  We have viewed many videos and completed an experiment to help us in this topic.

Health: we have been discussing about ways to stay safe in a variety of situations such as fire safety, outside/inside safety, Halloween safety and now food safety with respect to allergies.  They have demonstrated their learning by creating frozen tableaux and posters (this is integrated into drama and media literacy).

Music:  we have been learning about beat and have had fun playing many music games to demonstrate keeping the beat.  Sometimes it feels more like a gym class then a music class!  Next we will be working on rhythm, do you know the difference between beat and rhythm?

Reading bags:  these have been going on a weekly basis every Wednesday with good fit books.  Please remember to fill out the chart completely every time you read.  Return the bag to school each Monday.

Homework: homework will come home periodically throughout the year.  Please check agenda to find out when it is due.  Homework will be math, language or science based. 

Agendas:  each day students write in their agenda about different topics ranging from school events, reminders, etc.  This will provide you with extra information and also serve as extra printing practise.  I have seen some improvements already in their printing and copying abilities!

I think that sums it up for now!

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